
Welcome to the community that you didn’t know you needed. I’m so excited that you’re here, The Keelay Carter Experience, a community and Platform that will connect you with amazing women, inspire, encourage and motivate you daily to live with YOUR purpose, no matter what.
Are you struggling with finding your purpose in life?
Are you feeling stuck and confused with taking the next step with the vision you have for your life?
Are you battling fear and self doubt that is crippling you from fulfilling the things you know you’re supposed to be doing?
Are you allowing the things and people around you, the titles and responsibilities you hold to overwhelm you causing you to procrastinate your purpose driven lifestyle?
If you answered yes to any of the above, lets chat!
​Your Personal Life Coach
Founder of The Keelay Carter Experience
Boy Mom
Motivational Speaker
Digital Content Creator
I'm Keelay Carter
I am navigating the life that many of us live as women, the many roles, the many hats, the many titles, these kids, this husband…. BUT I never allow any of this to distract me from pursuing the purpose that God has given me, and you shouldn’t either
Driven Lifestyle
How did I get here? (I know you’re asking yourself the same question, I asked myself and God when this vision was planted). Living a Purpose Driven Lifestyle is and will always be my #1 priority.
Let me clarify, It hasn’t always been this way because I once was lost, confused and just wanted to try anything that I thought was for me and anything that I thought could work to make me “successful” in life but that’s not how Purpose works…. (Sucks, doesn’t it lol)
I was allowing fear of failing, fear of not being good enough or qualified enough to stop me from being who God has called me to be
I was allowing Self-Doubt and the Doubt of others who didn’t understand my purpose or assignment to dictate my movement in life, which left me stuck doing absolutely nothing
I was allowing the opinion of others, the self negative talks, the feeling of unworthiness to hold me back from being my full authentic self
I was allowing comparison of others journey to steal my joy of my own unique purpose that God blessed me with
Sound Familiar? Can you relate? See yourself in these statements?... Know this….
God has intentionally designed us for a unique purpose and assignment in life that we are responsible for fulfilling and it’s not JUST for our own good. Living with Purpose is your connection to everyone that you are meant to impact, inspire and share your life’s light with.
“Your purpose is connected to someone else’s Destiny” , someone is waiting for you to let go of the Fear, the Self-Doubt, the Excuses, the Procrastination, and the Unbelief… so that they too can see that it’s possible.
Sooooooo…. What are you waiting for??!!!
*Insert Silent Pause*
Exactly, you’re ready now….so let’s get into it

Life Coaching with me?
Everything that I just listed, I have gone through and at times still go through (Coaches need Coaches too). God has allowed me to experience and overcome these things for a reason, and it’s not just for me but because I have been called to motivate, inspire, encourage, uplift, and empower you to do the very same!
I’ve always questioned God “why me” and every time I made it through another obstacle, another trial, another pain point, another disappointment, another failure…. I realized that God was using all of them for my good. He was building my endurance, my strength, my knowledge and my expertise to be able to lead and guide/coach someone else through what they are going through.
My life coaching has been built on a foundation of faith, I have taken all the courses, which certified me and qualified me but I also use my spiritual journey to be able to share how prayer, positive affirmations, faith building, and vision building can impact your life’s outcome to the fullest.
God has so much that he wants you to have and experience, I’m just here to guide you in tapping into your purpose driven life.
The dopest hype woman in your corner, I will not and I cannot allow you to quit, to give up, to procrastinate, to talk yourself out of whatever it is you’re supposed to be doing. I will cheer you on like no other.
An Accountability Partner, You will do what you’re called to do because once we lock in your vision, your purpose, your passion, and your goals… you’re stuck with me until we see it come to full fruition.
A Coach, I’m here to guide you, I’m not here to “tell you what to do” but to enhance what’s already inside you. Your strengths, Your weaknesses, Your Visions, Your Dreams, Your Goals, Building your endurance, Pushing you into Purpose.
A Purpose Partner, The Keelay Carter Life Coaching is a faith-based organization and ministry. I will encourage you through your faith to believe for bigger, to affirm yourself, to eliminate the limitations, and to truly live with Purpose, withholding and compromising nothing.
Coaching with me, you sign up for:
